A military small & medium caliber ammunition collection

20 x 128mm Oerlikon Switzerland

20 x 128mm Oerlikon AP-T Hard Core  Switzerland 761 Oe 60 PSW (on primer) 42-60 Oe profile view.20 x 128mm Oerlikon AP-T Hard Core  Switzerland 761 Oe 60 PSW (on primer) 42-60 Oe head view.


TypeAP-T Hard Core
Projectilesteel, aluminum windscreen, black with red and grey bands, 1 iron driving band Projectile Markings: (white ink) MB-606
Casesteel, segmented crimp, dark olive drab painted
Primerpercussion, flat, brass, screw-in crimp, green
Headstamp761 Oe 60 PSW (on primer) 42-60 Oe