A military small & medium caliber ammunition collection

5.56 x 45mm United States

5.56 x 45mm Ball M855A1 United States ⊕ LC 08 [SCAMP 3] profile view.5.56 x 45mm Ball M855A1 United States ⊕ LC 08 [SCAMP 3] head view.


TypeBall, M855A1
ProjectileFMJ, copper, bismuth penetrator, 1 knurled crimping cannelure
Primerpercussion, flat, brass, ring crimp, purple annulus
Headstamp⊕ LC 08 [SCAMP 3]
NotesThis is an initial trial version of the M855A1 lead-free cartridge using a bismuth-tin alloy penetratior. The final M855A1 cartridge uses a steel penetrator.